Welcome to the Weekend Hiking and Social Club.
U P C O M I N G S O C I A L E V E N T S F R I D A Y 9 / 2 4 Campfire with Snacks at Ash's House S'mores and some snacks and warm, cozy fire will be provided. We'll probably hang out in the grass, but feel free to bring a chair or blanket if you don't feel like being one with the ground :) Drinks and games also welcomed. S A T U R D A Y 9 / 2 5 Group Hike We're thinking Mt. Tom, but are open to suggestions. S A T U R D A Y 1 0 / 1 6 Night Hike with Wine Mild hike. Plus cheese. Plus crackers. Maybe cookies. T B D Make Your Own Pizza Night Thought it could be cool to bring your own pizza ingredients and make pizzas to share over the fire. I'm not entirely sure what this little club will turn into, but wanted to create and have a space for those who wanted to get out and explore and adventure together. Completely open to ideas and suggestions including but not limited to: hiking adventures, mini camping trips, drink-and-draw nights, movie nights, front porch hangs, etc. Add your ideas and requests/suggestions below, and hope to see ya around sometime. |